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Moxibustion for safe childbirth

Fetal health

Maternal health

For safe childbirth

What a mother can do for her baby. 
I definitely recommend it. Have you ever heard of safe delivery moxibustion?
It is a gentle moxibustion for the fetus and the mother that has been practiced for over 1000 years.

Information on safe childbirth moxibustion classes

The important thing about safe birth moxibustion is continuity. We recommend that you do moxibustion at home at least four times a week.

We understand that having to attend multiple classes takes up a lot of budget, time, and energy, so at Yomogi-do we teach you everything you need to know about moxibustion up until birth, including the number of applications based on age, during just one class.

If you are unsure about the location of the acupressure points, please come to our clinic. We will tell you the location of the acupressure points free of charge.

Pregnant women from 16 weeks onwards can participate.

Date and time: Every Saturday from 10:30 to 11:30 (date and time can be discussed)

(Until January 2024, it is unclear when classes will resume after that.)

Capacity: 2 people (reservation required) Please contact us by email or phone

Tuition: 140 francs

What to bring: Yoga mat, clothes that cover your knees

1Antenatal moxibustion increases the blood flow in the uterine artery and umbilical artery.

This improves the intrauterine environment and provides sufficient nutrition to the fetus, resulting in a healthy, strong and calm baby who cries loudly,

The baby will cry loudly, be strong and healthy, and be calm. The baby will also have dark, hairy hair.


2 The umbilical cord becomes thicker

A thicker cord is less likely to wrap tightly around the neck, preventing the risk of umbilical cord compression.


'I am familiar with moxibustion, so I did moxibustion to regulate the environment in the uterus without a break from before my pregnancy until the birth of my child. The children who were born were quite frizzy, with hair about 4 cm long, and the umbilical cord was thick and just the right length. They are certainly very peaceful children.”



Other Benefits of Safe Delivery Moxibustion

1 Lighten the delivery

2 It is easy to have a healthy baby

3 Good quality breast milk

4 Better postpartum fertility

5 Lighten back pain, buttock pain, hip pain, pubic bone pain

6 Reduce swelling of the feet

7 Relieves constipation

9 Lighten abdominal distension

10 Relieve coldness

11 Relieve cramps in the legs that occur at night or at dawn

12 Prevent weak labor pains

13 Strengthening the baby's digestive system

14 Prevent breech birth

15 Prevent premature birth

16 Moxibustion to give birth to a healthy baby with good brain development and strong stomach and intestines; and


We will instruct you to do moxibustion at home.

My Childbirth Experience
My first birth was at the age of 32. Even before I got pregnant, I had been doing moxibustion to make my body easier to conceive. I was used to the stimulation of moxibustion, so I continued it throughout my pregnancy, from the beginning of my pregnancy to the birth and after the birth.

The morning sickness was not so severe that I had to be hospitalized, but it was very intense and I lost about 4 kg (I have always had a weak stomach). My mother was diabetic, but I had no problems such as pregnancy toxemia, and I was doing well.

The delivery took 3 hours for the first baby and about 2 hours for the second. I still remember the doctor telling me that my umbilical cord was thick and just the right length. Maybe it was genetics, but both of them had full hair, already about 4 cm long when they were born, so much so that you would think they were one year olds. They drank a lot, cried a lot, laughed a lot, and did a lot of napping.

I think the most important thing in raising a baby is the health of the mother. If the mother is not healthy, she will get frustrated and angry, which is natural. I continued moxibustion after childbirth, so not only did I recover my physical strength quickly, but I was also mentally stable. I was able to really enjoy raising my child because I was calm with little to no anger or frustration, which is still the case today. I remember looking at him all the time because he was so cute.

I think the effects of moxibustion and Chinese herbal medicine vary from person to person, but I think I was physically healthy and mentally calm and not irritated, so I was able to truly enjoy raising my child.

I am now entering the menopausal period, and of course I still continue to use moxibustion and Chinese medicine.

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