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Autoimmune disorders

Don't try too hard

Causes of autoimmune disorders

Autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, hyperthyroidism, Behcet's disease, scleroderma, Sjogren's disease, and dermatomyositis.

The main cause of autoimmune diseases is a weakened immune system caused by "trying too hard, pushing yourself too hard, being too stoic, and getting sunburned."

When you are under severe stress, your lymphocyte count decreases.

From here onwards things will get a bit complicated as technical terms will be used, but please bear with me.

This is the theory of my respected teacher, Toru Abo.

There are two main groups of immune

Old immune system: Granulocytes - NK, thymic exocrine T cells

Involved in tissue damage, suppurative inflammation, and autoimmune diseases

New immune system: Normal T cells - Normal B cells

Catarrheal inflammation, phlegmonous inflammation, allergic inflammation

In patients with autoimmune diseases, this new immune system becomes weak and the old immune system becomes overreacting.

Modern medicine uses steroids and immunosuppressants, which are new drugs that act on the immune system.

It makes weak T cells even weaker.

These drugs may help temporarily, but they do not cure the condition.

Rather than these types of treatments, we use moxibustion, Chinese herbal medicine, and dietary therapy to adjust the body from a state of excess granulocytes, in other words, a state in which the sympathetic nervous system is dominant, to a state in which the parasympathetic nervous system is in balance.

And one more important thing:

Change your personality, way of thinking, and way of life. Perfectionism is no good. Showing off is no good either.

The secret to good health is to be okay and to be able to manage it.

Please consult us before going to the hospital.

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